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Medications and Refills



Before requesting a refill of a current prescription, please call your pharmacy to see if you have refills left on the original prescription. If there are no refills, you may call and leave a message on the nurses' voice mail with your child's name, date of birth, name and dosage of medication, and which pharmacy you use. The practitioners process refill requests at the end of the day after they have finished seeing patients.  Please allow one full working day for any medication refill. The on-call physician after office hours will not refill medications.


ADHD Medications:

Most ADHD medications are considered "controlled substances" by the FDA, and we must abide by federal law when we prescribe these medications.  We are unable to electronically prescribe or fax these medications to the pharmacy.  It is your responsibility to keep track of the number of pills your child has left.  We require at least one full working day to process the refill request, so be sure to call with your request several days before you run out of medication.  You may pick up the prescription at our office during regular business hours.


We do not routinely prescribe antibiotics over the phone.  Many febrile illnesses are simply due to viruses which antibiotics cannot treat.  When there is a bacterial infection, we must take many factors into account in deciding how to treat.  We need to see your child in the office first to determine the source as well as severity of the infection in order to for us to prescribe the correct medication.

Medications prescribed by other physicians:

When your child sees a specialist who prescribes medication for your child to take on an on-going basis, it is important that you contact the specialist's office for refills.  We may not be aware of how long he wishes to continue treatment nor whether he recommends regular monitoring of labs or blood drug levels.  However, please make us aware of any changes or additions to your child's medications when you are in for an appointment so we can be sure not to prescribe any medications that might interact with what the specialist has prescribed.

New Prescriptions:

New prescriptions cannot be given over the phone. A practitioner must see your child first to ensure we are correctly diagnosing and treating the problem.


Last modified: Monday February 16, 2015